What is JavaScript?
This is just a very quick recap of the js-foundamentals
The essence is that Javascript is now a real language, having a core team addressing known issues, and that it is very fast evolving.
Also, everything is made completely transparent and everybody may participate.
EcmaScript / ES
The scripting language specification which is implemented by JavaScript . It
is standardized by the organization
Ecma International .
Javascript is now a real language, sticking to a defined specification
The specification is maintained by the commitee
The commitee makes decisions and addresses issues
Ecma TC39 Committee
All new proposals are considered by the Ecma TC39 committee .
They go through the following process (stages) before they are included in the Ecma Standard
Everything is made completely transparent and everybody may participate.
Still the commitee makes the decisions
Javascript - ECMASript (ES)
1996 Javascript introduced
1997 ES introduced
2009 ES5 (5th edition)
2015 ES6 (ES2015)
2016 ES7 (ES2016)
2017 ES2017
2018 ES2018
2019 ES2019
2020 ES2020
All implementors are supposed to stick to the standard/specification
There are huge gaps between browsers and their functionality.
Realization of specification is not enforced and not done by the same pace
Even ES6 is not fully supported by all browsers yet, despite the fact that the standard is already 2 years old. it is recommended using a transpiler like Babel et al.
We will focus on the versions maked bold