
About us

Florin Senoner

since 2019

Nicholas Payne

since 2015

Patrick Walther

since 2013

Simon Müller

since 2018

Stefan Reichhart

since 2016

Javascript enthusiasts 😃

Your Expectations

  • Why are you here ?
  • What do you expect from this course ?
  • What is your goal ?
  • ...

Our Goals

  • Basic patterns and best practice
  • Write robust and maintainable Javascript Code
  • Doing Javascript the right way


  • 09:00 Start
  • 10:30 - 10:45 Coffee Break
  • 12:30 - 13:30 Lunch Break
  • 15:00 - 15:15 Coffee Break
  • 17:00 End

Course structure

  • Theoretical input
  • Exercises
  • Questions at any time
  • Discussions & Feedback

made with reveal.js

What is JavaScript?

EcmaScript / ES

The scripting language specification which is implemented by JavaScript. It is standardized by the organization Ecma International.

Ecma TC39 Committee

All new proposals are considered by the Ecma TC39 committee. They go through the following process (stages) before they are included in the Ecma Standard

  1. Proposal
  2. Draft
  3. Candidate
  4. Finished

Javascript - ECMASript (ES)

  • 1996 Javascript introduced
  • 1997 ES introduced
  • 2009 ES5 (5th edition)
  • 2015 ES6 (ES2015)
  • 2016 ES7 (ES2016)
  • 2017 ES2017
  • 2018 ES2018
  • 2019 ES2019
  • 2020 ES2020
  • ES.Next

JavaScript Basics

  • Types, Variables, Operators & Coercion
  • Objects, Arrays and Array functions
  • Functions and Scopes
  • The "this" keyword
  • Prototypes & Classes

register for JavaScript Basics on moodle

JavaScript Ecosystem

  • Dependency Management
  • Modules & Bundling
  • Building & Transpiling
  • Testing & Code Analysis

register for JavaScript Ecosystem on moodle

