06 Immutability


An immutable object is an object whose state cannot be modified after it is created.

Problems with mutable state (1)

  • Code is hard(er) to read and error prone
  • Code is hard(er) to test and debug

Problems with mutable state (2)

  • Tracking mutations in code is tiresome
  • Tracking changes and unwanted side-effects in objects is difficult and very expensive

Tracking changes / mutations

Tracking changes / mutations

  • don't track changes - live with side-effects
  • self-made code / framework
  • Object.observe(obj, fn);
  • Immutability & Redux
  1. applicable ? maybe, maybe not
  2. error prone, maintenance overhead
  3. performance overhead, still much code

Problems with mutable state (3)

  • It's most likely not concurrency safe


Basic aspects of concurrency

  • Synchronicity / Asynchronicity
  • Single / Multi Threading

Javascript is executed asynchronously,
but still in a single-thread

Synchronous + Single-Threaded

  • Shared mutable state can be regarded to be safe
  • Does not concern Javascript

Synchronous + Multi-Threaded

  • Shared mutable state is regarded to be unsafe
  • Does not concern Javascript either

Asynchronous + Multi-Threaded

  • Shared mutable state is regarded to be unsafe
  • Does not concern Javascript
    (Multi-Threading will be supported through WebAssembly)

Asynchronous + Single-Threaded

  • Asynchronicity is a kind of concurrency !
  • Recall: "Mutable state. It's most likely not concurrency safe !"
  • Shared mutable state in Javascript is unsafe

Trivial example

Sorting a list

                    // shared state
                    let animals = [ 'hamster', 'cat', 'mouse', 'dog' ];

                    let sortedAnimals = animals.sort();

                    console.log(_.isEqual(animals, [ 'hamster', 'cat', 'mouse', 'dog' ]));
                    // false, why ?

                    console.log(animals === sortedAnimals);
                    // true, why ?

Not so trivial example

Event Listerns etc. triggered while modifying shared state

                    // some global & shared state
                    let data = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ];
                    let sum = 0;
                    listener.onMessage = (event) => { // some async code
                        for (let index = 0; index < data.length; index++) {
                          sum += data[index];
                    // listener2-N ...
                    console.log(sum === 10); // true, but always true ?

Immutability in Javascript

  • Primitive Values are immutable by default
  • There is no modifier to "lock/freeze" objects
  • Immutability is done by (shallow) copying objects


Use "value" instead of "object", because ...

  • Object implies mutability
  • Value implies immutability

Try to avoid using

  • array.slice() = wrong intention
  • for-loop & hasOwnProperty() = error prone
  • jQuery or any other library = probably not necessary

Objects - Object.assign()

                    let animal = {
                        name: "Homer",
                        age: 2,
                        type: "hamster",
                        legs: 4

                    let shallowCopy = Object.assign({}, animal);
                    console.log(animal === shallowCopy); // false

Live Demo

Arrays - [].concat()

let animals = [ 'hamster', 'cat', 'mouse', 'dog' ];

let shallowCopy = [].concat(animals);
console.log(animals === shallowCopy); // false

Live Demo

Objects - Spread Operator

let animal = {
    name: "Homer",
    age: 2,
    type: "hamster",
    legs: 4

let shallowCopy = { ...animal };
console.log(animal === shallowCopy); // false

Live Demo

Arrays - Spread Operator

let animals = [ 'hamster', 'cat', 'mouse', 'dog' ];

let shallowCopy = [ ...animals ];
console.log(animals === shallowCopy); // false

Live Demo

Be aware though

  • Object.assign(), [].concat(), Spread Operator result each in a flat shallow copy
  • Not suitable for more complex (deep) entities
  • There is no deep shallow copy in Javascript yet

Exercises | Homework

Wrap-Up: Immutability

  • Very little code to write
  • Very simple to use


  • Concurrency safe (multi-threading, asynchronicity, ...)
  • No expensive synchronization between threads
  • No expensive state tracking Object.observe(obj, fn)
  • Better code quality


  • Performance overhead (object creation)
  • Requires a lot of discipline (mutating state is so easy)


  • Different, more functional-style application design
  • You can assume everything immutable
  • It's a very simple pattern !



Enable and simplify immutability in Javascript

Immutable.js - Basics

  • Based on the native Javascript Array/Object API
  • All implementations return shallow copies
  • Utils for deep-copy, merge, compare, ...

Immutable.js - New Collections

  • Set, OrderedSet
  • Map, OrderedMap
  • Seq(uence), Range, Repeat
  • ...

Demo | Homework

Wrap-Up: Immutable.js

  • Very low-level library (Array/Object)
  • Native JS functions but without side-effects
  • Convenient collections
  • Very simple to use
Don't confuse/mix-up the APIs !


Simplify handling of immutable state

e.g. reducers/reductions in Redux


  • "Enhancement" of Immutable.js
  • Copy on write state (lazy & deeply)
  • Tracking & applying changes


Wrap-Up: Immer.js

  • High-level library (state)
  • Less code
  • Very simple to use
Be aware of the peculiarities !


Simplify handling of immutable state
in a structured & consistent way

Wrap-Up: Immutability

Immutable.js, Immer.js and Redux focus on different aspects of immutability

You can combine them !

