02 Dependency Management
JavaScript Ecosystem

The old way

  • Manually download dependencies
  • Link to dependencies on a CDN
  • Manually update
  • Commit dependencies to your VCS

The new way

Logo of npm


  • Official package manager for node.js
  • Installed automatically with node.js
  • The npm registry contains 155k ... 355k ... 427k ... 612k over a million packages

npm: package.json

  • Manifest file with name, version, author, website, etc.
  • Lists all the dependencies of your application
  • Divided into development and production dependencies
  • Versions
  • Corresponding lockfile package-lock.json

npm: versioning

semver - semantic versioning

  • MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH ( i.e. Version: 2.1.7 )
    • MAJOR: incompatible API changes
    • MINOR: new functionality in a backwards-compatible manner
    • PATCH: backwards-compatible bug fixes

npm: versioning

special characters

  • ~1.2.7 will update to latest PATCH ( 1.2.x )
  • ^1.2.7 will update to latest MINOR ( 1.x.x )
  • >=1.2.7 <1.3.0 will update to 1.2.8 and 1.2.9
  • 1.2.7 will match 1.2.7 exactly
  • * will match any version
  • latest will match latest release

npm: commands

  • npm init [-f] creates a package.json file
  • npm install or i
    Downloads all dependencies to the current directory (./node_modules)
  • npm i [name]
    Downloads the package to the current directory
  • npm i lib@1.1.2
    Downloads the specified version of a package

npm: commands

  • npm update
    Update dependencies to the latest specified version
  • npm outdated
    Scan project for outdated dependencies
  • npm audit
    Scan project for dependencies having vulnerabilities
  • npm init
    Create a new package.json

npm install: arguments

  • -g or --global
    Installs a package globally. Usually used for command line interfaces
  • -S or --save
    Adds a dependency to your package.json
  • -D or --save-dev
    Adds a devdependency to your package.json

npm install: arguments

  • -E or --save-exact
    In combination with -D or -S will save an exact version without any "^" or "~" in your package.json


  • npx [name]
    Executes a command only once
  • Handles command as if node_modules/ was in $PATH
  • Works in any directory and is useful for e.g. initialization

npm runkit

Test packages directly in the browser

👉🏼 date-fns


Exercise Time 🧠


  • Fork https://github.com/webplatformz/javascript-ecosystem-exercises on Github
  • Clone locally
  • Run npx http-server in corresponding exercise folder
  • Try out ToDo app

Exercise Time 🧠


  • Initialize package.json
  • Install bootstrap with version 3.3.7
  • Add reference to bootstrap.min.css in index.html
  • Reload the browser and try out the styled ToDo app