04 Transpilation
JavaScript Ecosystem


Transpilers, a.k.a. source-to-source compilers are tools that read source code written in one language and produce the equivalent code in another language



                        class Car {
                            ps: number;
                            constructor(ps: number) { 
                                this.ps = ps;
                            drive() { 
                                console.log(`Car with ${this.ps} is driving.`);


to JavaScript (ES5)

                        var Car = (function () {
                            function Car(ps) {
                                this.ps = ps;
                            Car.prototype.drive = function () {
                                console.log("Car with " + this.ps + " is driving.");
                            return Car;


The most commonly used transpiler by far is Babel 👉🏼

Babel logo

Webpack Loaders

What is a loader?

A loader in Webpack can preprocess files. This allows you to bundle any static resource even beyond JavaScript.

Example Loader Configuration

                        module.exports = {
                            module: {
                                rules: [
                                        test: /\.md$/,
                                        use: [
                                            loader: "markdown-loader",
                                            options: {}

Available Loaders

The webpack documentation has a good chapter to see different loaders in action: Loaders.


Exercise Time 🧠

  • Use the babel webpack loader to transpile the code
  • Use the style / css loaders to import your styles & fonts in your app.js
  • Use the webpack HTML plugin to auto-generate your index.html

See the README.md for more information

Don't do it yourself

Popular framework CLIs do all the initial setup for you.

Screenshot of angular-cli website

Don't do it yourself

Popular framework CLIs do all the initial setup for you.

Animation of create-react-app cli initialization