06 Testing
JavaScript Ecosystem

Testing frontend code

Writing Tests
Running Tests


Jasmine logo
Mocha logo
Jest logo

Writing: Jasmine

  • Behaviour driven testing
  • Spies & Mocks
  • Asynchronous tests
  • Angular's choice

Webpage 👉🏼

Writing: Jasmine

                        describe('Calculator', function () {
                            it('should subtract correctly', function () {
                                const calculator = new Calculator();
                                const result = calculator.subtract(20, 5);

Writing: Jest

  • Parallel test runs
  • Easy mocking
  • Convenience layer on top of Jasmine
  • Syntax based on Jasmine
Our recommended option

Running: Karma

  • Continuous testing (file watching)
  • Integration with CIs (Jenkins, Travis)
  • IDE Support
  • Multiple browser support
  • Testing framework agnostic (eg. Jasmine, Mocha, etc.)

Running: Jest

  • Continuous testing (file watching)
  • Integration with CIs (Jenkins, Travis)
  • IDE Support
  • Browser emulation with js-dom
  • Fast (no browser start)

Running: Reporters

  • Each reporter produces unique output
  • Console: different formatting, cats
  • File: different formats for integration purposes


Exercise Time 🧠

  • Install Jest
  • Add Jest to npm script "test"
  • Run Jest
  • Implement Test "should sort todos by status"
  • Implement sort feature in file status-comparator.js

E2E Tests

example: cypress.io 👉🏼