Vite is the most popular toolchain to build client-side rendered React apps.
In contrast, full-featured frameworks (e.g. Next.js, Remix) provide advanced rendering mechanisms like server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG).
For our demo app, we will start with Vite (chapters 2-9) and compare some aspects later (chapter 10) on with Remix (a framework supporting SSR).
For all those that know Create React App, please note that this project is discontinued since April 2022.
When reading up on, you will notice that pure client side rendering — like with Vite — is not mentioned at all.
We believe that pure client side rendering still has it's benefits for some usecases (e.g. company internal app) and is a valid pick due to its reduced overall complexity. Thus our opinion might be different than the one communicated on many official React channels.
$ npm create vite@latest pokedex-vite
> React
> Typescript + SWC
$ cd ./pokedex-vite
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
const header = Hello World
SWC transpiles this to following code:
const header = React.createElement(
'h1', {}, 'Hello World'
You can use any JS expression within curly braces.
JSX is an expression too.
function getGreeting(user) {
if (user) {
return Hello, {formatName(user)}
return Hello, stranger
JSX uses camelCase for most DOM element attributes, e.g. stroke-width becomes strokeWidth
Inline styles can be applied using object notation:
The outer pair of curly braces belongs to JSX, while the inner pair comes from the object notation of JavaScript.
We will be using TypeScript because we highly recommend using it in enterprise projects.
With React in Vite, a TypeScript template supports this out of the box.
npm run dev
Starts the app in dev mode with a hot reload server. The build will not run typescript checks.
If the type errors from the IDE are not enough, you can additionally run the compiler in the terminal: npx tsc --noEmit --watch.
npm run build
Creates a production build of your app and puts it into in the dist folder.
The configuration of the build task will also ensure that there are no typescript errors.
npm run preview
Runs a local HTTP server that serves the production build from the dist folder.
npm run lint
ESLint is a tool that statically analyzes your code to discover potential problems (linting).
Vite comes preconfigured with ESLint. Problems are shown in the terminal.
Recommendation: Install the VS Code plugin for ESLint for highlighting and fix assistance in the editor.
React has wonderful dev tools which the core team maintains.
They're available for both Chromium-based browsers and Firefox .
Prettier is a powerful code formatter that helps a lot to keep your code consistent in the team.
Configuring Prettier as default formatter in VS Code and format on save is highly recommanded.
Running prettier --check . in CI/CD to ensure are files can be a good idea.
This is the app we will build within this course.
It is based on the open PokeAPI.
If you need to have a working base for a future excercise, you can build on top of a sample implementation git repo:
We learned…