A Pokemon quiz!
TODO show a screenshot of the finished app
Depending on our progress
$ npx create-react-app --template typescript --use-npm
.tsx? serviceWorker? setupTests?
const header = React.createElement(
'h1', {}, 'Hello World'
const header = <h1>Hello World</h1>
Babel transpiles exactly like this.
You can use any JS expression within curly braces
const name = 'John Wayne';
const header = <h1>Hello, {name}</h1>
const math = <p>2 + 2 equals {2 + 2}</p>
const formatted = <h1>Hello, {formatName(name)}</h1>
JSX is an expression too.
function getGreeting(user) {
if (user) {
return <h1>Hello, {formatName(name)}</h1>
return <h1>Hello, stranger</h1>
<div className="header">
JSX uses camelCase for DOM element properties, e.g. class becomes className
regular HTML
<div class="header">hello, world!</div>
<div className="header">hello, world!</div>
We will be using TypeScript because we highly recommend using it in enterprise projects.
The CLI supports it out of the box.
npm start
Starts the app with a live reload server. The build will fail if you have typescript errors.
npm run build
Creates a production ready build of your app and puts it in the build folder.
npm test
Runs your tests using jest and react-testing-library
npm run eject
You may have noticed that there is no webpack config visible. This is hidden from you when using the CLI (convention over configuration).
In most cases, this will be fine. If you need to make custom changes to the config, you can eject.
This cannot be undone and you lose CLI support.